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Thomas Merton Reading Room

Thomas Merton Society of Canada events, please contact Judith Hardcastle, Program Director or Susan Cowan, Community Relations Director.
more information:
email tmsc@telus.net.
Click here for 2024 Membership Brochure available here. JOIN TODAY!
Free Public Talk
The Monk and the Pope Monday, February 10, 2025 7:00pm PST at the Chapel, St. Mark's College (5935 Iona Drive, UBC) in Vancouver
Co-sponsored by the Thomas Merton Society of Canada and the Centre for Christian Dialogue, St. Mark's College.
Acclaimed scholar, journalist, documentarian and jovial raconteur, Michael W. Higgins uses his latest
book, The Jesuit Disruptor-- written from his longstanding, personal experience of the inner workings (and malfunctions) of the Catholic Church-- as an anchor for a thought-provoking comparison between 20th century Trappist
monk Thomas Merton, and Pope Francis.
Books will be available for purchase and signing by the author. This event will be live-streamed the day of, and the recording will be posted to the St. Mark's YouTube channel the following
week. To watch the live-stream, get the Zoom link from the Eventbrite page, accessed through here: https://engagement.stmarkscollege.ca/2025/01/16/the-monk-and-the-pope/
Michael, a Merton scholar, is past president
of the International Thomas Merton Society and current president of the Thomas Merton Society of Canada. He is President and Vice-Chancellor Emeritus of St. Jerome's University, and former president of St. Mark's College.

TMSC Annual Public Talk & Retreat with Ron Dart
Talk: Thomas Merton, Hermann Hesse and the Israeli-Palestinian War Friday, March 22, 2024 7:00pm PST By donation.
Hermann Hesse was one of the most significant doves of his age in the context
of WWI-II in Europe. Merton was reading a great deal of Hermann Hesse in his final few years. This reflection will focus on Hesse and Merton's peace vision, with particular regard to the ongoing conflict between Israel and
Retreat: Thomas Merton and the Art of Spiritual Formation Saturday, March 23, 2024 10:00 am - 3:00 pm PST Registration: $40 (includes lunch)
To register for the retreat, please contact Susan Cowan
at tmsc@telus.net or 604-988-8835.
Thomas Merton was acutely aware of the complex nature of the human soul (and its often at-odds appetites and desires). Merton, as he matured in the monastery, became a spiritual director but his approach was that of an
artist who is attentive to what must be seen and heard. The more one was free from false images of the self, the more one would be free for the true and authentic self. This retreat will use Merton and his artistic understanding
of the art of spiritual formation. as a journey into the inner and outward pilgrimage.
Both events will be held at the Canadian Memorial Centre for Peace, 1825 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver.
Ron Dart has been on the Board of the Thomas Merton Society of Canada for almost 25 years. He has published in both The Merton Annual and The Merton Seasonal:
A Quarterly Review. In 2018, Ron's article,
Hermann Hesse and Thomas Merton: Countercultural Affinities, appeared in the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland's Easteride edition of the Merton Journal. In 2019, Ron's book, Hermann Hesse: Phoenix Rising,
was independently published.

Celebrating Thomas Merton's birthday Wednesday, January 31, 2024 7:00 - 9:00pm PST at St. Andrew's United Church, North Vancouver
We invite you to join us to celebrate the birthday of monk, poet,
author, religious thinker, social critic (and jazz lover) Thomas Merton (b. January 31, 1915). The party will feature music from the Quintessential Jazz band,
poetry by Susan McCaslin from her new book Consider, a 20-minute talk by Ron Dart entitled Merton, Buber and the Israeli-Palestinian War, a photo exhibit from the CJPME Foundation (Canadians for Justice and
Peace in the Middle East), and (of course) refreshments & conversation. You can also pick up a free, second-hand book by Merton, or drop one off.
Everyone is welcome!
St. Andrew's United Church, where the TMSC is based, is located at 1044 St. Georges Ave in North Vancouver, V7L 3H6.
Hope to see you there!
Talk by Michael W. Higgins
Thomas Merton on peace in a time of great turmoil
Please visit Michael W. Higgins' blog for a copy of the talk given by him at the TMSC's 2023 AGM on Dec. 9. The title of the blog entry is
"Where is TIM when you need him?".
2023 Annual General Meeting Saturday, December 9, 2023
1:00 - 1:30 pm (PST) Annual General Meeting
1:30 - 2:30 pm (PST) Public Talk with discussion following
via Zoom
The Thomas Merton Society of Canada's AGM is an opportunity for the TMSC Board of Directors to share with members and friends of the Society the news, challenges, and successes of the past year. It is also a time for you
to have input into the planning for future activities of the TMSC.
At 1:30pm, Michael W. Higgins will give a talk entitled Thomas
Merton on peace in a time of great turmoil, with discussion following.
Michael W. Higgins is the current President of the Thomas Merton Society of Canada, and a past President of the International Thomas Merton Society. He is a scholar, documentarian, biographer and columnist, and
is the Basilian Distinguished Fellow of Contemporary Catholic Thought at teh University of St. Michael's in Toronto.
The Zoom event will finish at 2:30 pm (PST).
To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP to tmsc@telus.net.
Hope to see you there!
Check out this book of essays by Canadian writers.

The Thomas Merton Society of Canada has published a book of essays about this internationally acclaimed writer. The book is distinctive and original in that it represents the work of Canadian scholars, many of whom have
significant publishing records of their own. These scholars, who have been publishing books and artticles over the years in North America and in the U.K., here offer varied and provocative views of Merton as contemplative,
social critic, and poet. Merton is recognized as one of the most important religious thinkers of the last hundred years. The book which is entitled Thornas Merton: Monk on the Edge and which runs approximately
200 pages, is modestly priced at $25.00 (CDN)
Available from: Thomas Merton Society of Canada 1044 St. George's Avenue North Vancouver BC V7L 3H6